1800HP 4WD Dodge Pickup

July 7th, 2016

1800HP 4WD Dodge PickupHere is one for all the NHRDA fans out there. This 2007 Ram has undergone some serious modifications. Anyone who looks at it can tell that there has been a major weight reduction; then there are the 3 turbochargers. This thing is chugging down the 1/4-mile, making consistent passes in the low-to-mid 9-second range, leaving a cloud of black smoke along the way.

It seems odd to see a full-size, long-bed, four-wheel drive pickup whipping Camaros and Mustangs but this truck has made it a habit. If this team can find a way to come out of the hole stronger, there may be some 8-second passes in their future – because it kills on the top end.
