20 Car Cash Days – Midwest Street Digs

Tonight, we are headed to a deserted two-lane in a midwestern corn field with the Skinnie’s Skreekret Sauce Crew and their twin turbo Chevrolet S-10. These guys have this pickup dialed in and they’re ready to claim the $5000 cash prize up for grabs during Midwest Cash Days (at night in the middle of a chilly corn field). Let’s see what happens.

First up is the driver’s meeting. The competitors ante up their entry fee and get the rules straight. After that, it’s off to the race location to get some rubber on the road.

The Skinnie’s crew unloads their monster S-10 as one of the favorites to win this whole thing. After numerous burnouts (that’s street racing in Mexico), the guys line up against a G-Body with nitrous. Both cars cut the light violently and they are close through the first 60-feet. In the end, the Malibu pulls away for the win. Didn’t see that coming.

The next race is between a classic supercharged Chevelle and a turbo Camaro SS (AK-47). This one starts off exciting and then gets plumb crazy! The Chevelle crossed the line for the DQ, while AK-47 spins through the trap and ends up in the field. Can he continue?

In the third race, Jeepers beats a turbo Firebird from start to finish.

In race four, we have the Red Savage S-10 against a turbo Fox Body Mustang. Savage FTW.

This one is just getting cranked up. Have a gander for yourselves.

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