Twin Turbo Camaro vs. Turbo LS9 RX-7

On a secluded airstrip in the desert, there stood a pretty girl. Her arms were raised and her long, dark hair was blowing in the warm breeze – that was just before all hell broke loose. She was a gorgeous starter and the hades that was unleashed came from a twin turbocharged 2012 Chevrolet Camaro and a highly modified 1994 Mazda RX-7. This is 1/2-mile roll racing and the Camaro gets the initial jump on the Mazda but the advantage is short lived (Hmmph!). The RX-7 posts a top speed of 191mph narrowly snatching victory from the Chevy that posted a top speed of 188 mph.

The Camaro is equipped with a 6.2-liter engine and a pair of 67 millimeter Garrett turbochargers; output capacity is estimated at 1,300hp. The Mazda is not exactly rotary powered, either. It has experienced a metamorphosis of sorts. It is now outfitted with a supercharged LS9 6.2-liter V8 and a single turbocharger of unknown dimensions. If the Chevrolet is producing 1,300hp, the Mazda must be making at least 1,301hp.

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