8-Second Honda Civic

Help me out here – this don’t sound like any Honda Civic that I ever heard. No wonder, this thing is running some big cubic inches and a pair of turbos. Lil’ Lutz was turning heads and making tongues wag, during Drag Week 2016, as he produced consistent 8-second passes (at around 160 mph) in this seriously modified Honda Civic.

How did he do that? Well, you basically pull off the hood emblem and drive a race car in under it. Seriously, this is only a shell of an ’89 Honda Civic – it ain’t even front wheel drive anymore and that’s fine with me. The object of the game is to have the highest horsepower to weight ratio. The car that has the most power and weighs the least always wins the cash (unless something breaks).

This black bullet is a hatchback body (with a set of giant tubs) on a rolled tube chassis with a 434 cubic-inch small block engine and a pair of 76-millimeter turbochargers, backed up by a Rosler two-speed transmission. The combination is good for putting over 1,000hp to the pavement and has turned a best ET of 7.84 @ 151 mph. The car has a lot more in it and the driver is just a kid with some real talent. We look for more great things from this team.

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