Tesla P100D Ludicrous Testing 0-60 MPH vs Battery State of Charge from 10% to 100%

March 5th, 2017

Fact or Fiction?  Teslas get slower as their battery is depleted.

One of the most common comments on our Tesla videos is related to performance losses as the battery state of charge in the Tesla goes down.   Since we typically don’t run our Tesla’s charge down the low levels we never really experience noticeable performance losses.  We have run multiple 0-60 tests as well as 1/4 mile runs back to back with many different Teslas and the times have always been relatively consistent.

In the video below we test the Tesla Model S P100D Ludicrous from 0-60 MPH as well as measure the power output at different battery levels from just 10% to 100%.  Watch below to find out what happens with these real world tests:



