Cicio Nissan GT-R – Low 9-Second Pass @ 146 MPH

What’s that they say about the passion of youth? You can’t help but admire the way this kid loves to go down the track. I wonder if he loves it because he’s good at it or if he’s good at it because he loves it? Either way – this child of a pair of racers has been officially stamped as “gifted” after posting a .000 reaction time in his near stock Nissan GT-R. Have a look.

1320 Video caught up with Coy Christmas, Jr. during a Phoenix, Arizona event where he was campaigning his Cicio Performance (750hp) Nissan GT-R in the Stock Turbo Class.

So, with a great car, some talented help and those awesome teenage reflexes, Junior is already posting some elapsed times that are in the low 9-second range. All this in his first event on the pro tree with a timer. Not only is he setting personal record after personal record, he’s leading the Class and making the competition very nervous. Out of nowhere, this guy breaks out a .000 reaction time. Do you have any idea how dialed in you have to be to nail a goose egg?

In a single weekend, this Christmas kid showed that he has unlimited potential and his trajectory in the drag racing world is high. Nice work, kid.

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